SC219 – Walk in the Park with Influences

sc219 - Walk in the Park Influenzessc219-inside

I finally had a chance to play with the sketch challenge 219.  I used my new arrivals, Walk in the Park DSP and the Eastern Influences.  The flowers were stamped and colored in baja breeze reinkers (flowers), and kiwi kiss (leaves), close to cocoa (bark), and then I stamped and popped up a second flower in front of the main image.  I sponged the main image edges with baja breeze. The jumbo brads were colored in COPIC markers (B01) as I did not have baja breeze brads, or something close to baja breeze.

The card on the right, that is the inside of the card.  I added the DSP inside and stamped the bird images.  Hope you like it.

Stamps: Eastern Influences
Paper: Whisper White, Baja Breeze, Basic Black, Walk in the Park
Ink: Basic Black, Baja Breeze, Close to Cocoa, Kiwi Kiss
Accessories: Dimensionals, Jumbo Brads, Copic Markers

Measurements ~

The polka dot walk in the park layer (NOT including the 1/16” border) – 3 7/8 x 5 1/8”

The triangle (including the border) – 3 5/8” square cut in half corner to corner, image panel including the borders – 3” square.
If you omit the 1/16” border for the first panel and make it 4 x 5¼ then your square that you cut corner to corner for the triangle should be 3- ¾”

Thanks for stopping by!